From The Netherlands and Japan:
«In the Netherlands alternative proposals for the name schizophrenia include ‘dysfunctional perception syndrome‘ [36] and Salience Syndrome: « The concept of ‘salience’ has the potential to make the public recognize psychosis as relating to an aspect of human mentation and experience that is universal. It is proposed to introduce, analogous to the functional-descriptive term ‘Metabolic syndrome’, the diagnosis of ‘Salience syndrome’ to replace all current diagnostic categories of psychotic disorders. Within Salience syndrome, three subcategories may be identified, based on scientific evidence of relatively valid and specific contrasts, named Salience syndrome with affective expression, Salience syndrome with developmental expression and Salience syndrome not otherwise specified. »[37]
In Japan « In order to contribute to reduce the stigma related to schizophrenia and to improve clinical practice in the management of the disorder, the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology changed in 2002 the old term for the disorder, « Seishin Bunretsu Byo » (« mind-split-disease »), into the new term of « Togo Shitcho Sho » (« integration disorder »). Eighty-six percent of psychiatrists in the Miyagi Prefecture found the new term more suitable to inform patients of the diagnosis as well as to explain the modern concept of the disorder. »[38] This model is ascribed as a stress-vulnerability model rather than akraepelian disease model. [39] The Japanese society of psychiatry and neurology report: « This change is making psychoeducation much easier and is being useful to reduce misunderstandings about the illness and to decrease the stigma related to schizophrenia. The new term has been officially accepted by the Japanese medicine and media and is being adopted in the legislation in 2005.»[40]
*entrée : «Global moves to change the construction of ‘Schizophrenia’»
notes :
36. Dysfunctional Perception Syndrome
37. van Os J (November 2009). « ‘Salience syndrome’ replaces ‘schizophrenia’ in DSM-V and ICD-11: psychiatry’s evidence-based entry into the 21st century? ». Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 120 (5): 363–72. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2009.01456.x. PMID 19807717.
38. Sato M (February 2006). « Renaming schizophrenia: a Japanese perspective ». World Psychiatry 5 (1): 53–5. PMC 1472254. PMID 16757998.
39. Sato, W. (2009). The Japanese Solution, in World Congress on Hearing Voices, September 17th-18th, 2009, Maastricht Holland The Japanese Solution
40. The Yokohama Declaration: an update. PMC 1414727.