28 août 2010. Space Invaders: Art in the Computer Game Environment

Exposition 28 août – 7 novembre 2010.  Media Art Institute, Amsterdam.
« In Space Invaders: Art in the Computer Game Environment the Netherlands Media Art Institute brings art and games culture together. In an artistic, playful yet serious manner, Space Invaders reveals the influence of games on art and society. This group exhibition with Dutch and international media artists examines the increasing blurring of the boundaries between game worlds and reality. In Space Invaders media art works illuminate the migration of the physical world into gaming systems. Conversely, gaming elements are more and more finding their way into physical space. By infiltrating both game environments and real spaces, the artworks clarify the nature and influence of the computer game environments, and provide greater insight into the role that computer games play in contemporary culture. »

Liste des artistes et des œuvres

Ludic Society. Parcour Ready Played (2006)
. Chinese Gold (2006)
+ à propos du projet d’Ubermorgen http://www.tortureclassics.com/article de Marie Lechner in Libération
Cao Fei. Cosplayers (2004)
Jodi. SK8Monkeys on Twitter (2009)
Yuichiro Katsumoto. Amagatana (2009)
Riley Harmon. What It Is Without the Hand That Wields It (2008)
Aram Bartholl. First Person Shooter (2006)
Timothy Hutchings. Play Generated Map and Document Archive (ongoing)
Michael Johansson. Tetris (2009-2010)
Ben Jones. Space Invaders graphics (2009)
Walter Langelaar. Notmatch (2010)

Jeremy Bailey. Video Terraform Dance Party (2008)

Mark Essen. Malfunction (2009)
Anita Fontaine. The Fontaines (2010)
Julian Oliver. LevelHead (2007)